Monday, June 15, 2009


"Their minds are filled with superstition, prejudice, and fantasy, and their ability to distinguish reality from fantasy is poor. The right-wing media provokes these individuals and gives their delusions the patina of legitimacy". I found this quote in the comments section of a Frank Rich column in the New York Times. The article about the Obama Haters, I had read, gave me chills. The extent of what people think and do because they don't agree with a Democratic President is insane. (They did the same nonsense with Clinton as President)
I've had a eye on these types of people since before the election. They were in the crowds of the the McCain/Palin rallies during the campaign, these weak minded people who get their knowledge mostly from ring wing websites and Fox News are becoming more of a problem for America than Al Qaeda ever was. These are the Von Brunn's of the world (the Museum Killer) They stockpile guns at their homes buying more and more even though they already have twenty, thirty, forty guns, they also stockpile ammunition as if the world was coming to a end.
It doesn't scare me, per se, most aren't to bright. Easily fooled, look at where they get there information from. But it does give me concern for President Obama and his family. I feel like the Secret Service takes the threats seriously and are acting accordingly, but these lone wolf racist are a squirrelly bunch, that are hard to pin down. I keep thinking about a rational way for Obama and Administration to get through to these people and let them know that all isn't lost for these idiots, That alot of the policies he's enacting help these people and their families, but their minds have been hijacked by the Rush Limbaughs, Sean Hannity's and Glen Becks of the world.
Before Ronald Reagan came into office there was a law called the Fairness Doctrine that outlawed hate speech over the public airwaves. When Reagan came into office he repealed it. This was the beginning of right wing talk radio. There is talk brewing these days that Obama needs to pull this old law out of the moth balls and reenact it. I would, but I believe this would only incite these fools further. Americans should be aware that the Middle Easterners, Koreans are the least of this Republics problems, we need to be focused like a laser on home grown right wing terrorist. If something happens to Obama, I seriously doubt that the Republic will survive.

Today, I'm doing some shopping for weed control products, specifically Preen and Round Up extended control. With these two products a person should almost never have to bend over and pull weeds out of the garden or the cracks of their sidewalk. Preen is a slow release granular and Round Up is a spray. With a spreader walk through your problem areas and let it fly, in areas that a granular would not appropriate spray the RoundUp. For 2 to three months you should be good to go.

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