Monday, October 5, 2009

The Rope a Dope...

I've been observing the direction the Obama Administration is taking in accomplishing their goals concerning; health care, Afghanistan, Cap and trade etc etc... It seems they are employing the old Muhammad Ali strategy of the old ''rope a dope'.

If your not familiar with the 'rope a dope', back in 1974 Muhammad Ali was scheduled to fight the 'now' grill king George Foreman in Zaire, Africa. Back in 74' Foremen was a big muscle bound brute, who was knocking out every opponent he faced. Foremen was the champ at the time, Ali was the challenger.

In 1974' Ali was thought to already be past his prime. Ali was smart though, his strategy in the fight was to let Foremen throw punches until his arms would be so tired that he could barely hold them up and defend himself, at that time- Ali, still basically fresh (because he had laid against the ropes and let Foremen punch himself out), would knock Foremen out with his quickness and power.

This is what I see the Obama team doing against the Republicans. The Rethugs have been screaming, lying and obstructing since Obama first day on the job, the Obama Administration have been laying on the ropes taking the punches, taking the lies, taking the obstruction of their policies, and now it seems like the Rethugs are all lied out, no more bullets in their rhetorical weapons. Right now Republicans are primed for the big knockout, the key punch that will start them towards the canvas will be the passage of a health care bill. Next will be a decision on Afghanistan, most likely Obama will send more troops, he almost has to. Cap and Trade will come easier with the political capital built up from passing historic health care reform. Along the way I believe Obama's going to have reallocate some of the stimulus money to go directly to job creation. All of this needs to be in place by the 2010 elections or all bets are off.